Time in Guinea: Local Time Information

Country Guinea
Time Zone Guinea Time (GMT)
UTC Offset UTC +0
Capital Conakry
Population Approx. 13 million
Official Language French
Currency Guinean franc (GNF)
Area 245,857 km²
Famous Attractions Mount Nimba, Conakry Grand Mosque
Climate Tropical climate with a rainy season

Guinea, a country located in West Africa, follows Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) throughout the year. The country does not observe daylight saving time, so the time remains the same throughout all seasons.

Time Zone in Guinea

  • Time Zone: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
  • UTC Offset: UTC +0:00

Since Guinea does not observe daylight saving time, the time remains constant year-round.

Time Comparison: Guinea and Other Cities

Here’s a comparison of the time in Guinea with several major cities worldwide:

Time Comparison Table

CityTime ZoneTime Difference from Guinea
GuineaGMT (UTC +0)0 hours
New YorkEST (UTC -5)-5 hours
LondonGMT (UTC +0)0 hours
TokyoJST (UTC +9)+9 hours
SydneyAEDT (UTC +11)+11 hours

Why Knowing the Time in Guinea Is Important

If you are planning to visit Guinea, conduct business there, or stay in touch with someone, knowing the local time is essential. Since Guinea remains on GMT year-round, there are no surprises when it comes to time changes.

Quick Facts:

  • Guinea shares the same time zone with countries like Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Sierra Leone.
  • There is no daylight saving time, so the time stays consistent throughout the year.

Being aware of the time in Guinea helps ensure smooth communication, travel planning, and activity coordination without the worry of seasonal time shifts.

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