CGPA to Percentage Calculator

Grade Scale Reference

Many universities and colleges use the CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) system for grading. However, students often need to convert their CGPA into a percentage for job applications, further studies, or scholarships. A CGPA to Percentage Calculator helps in making this conversion quickly and accurately.

What is a CGPA to Percentage Calculator?

A CGPA to Percentage Calculator is an online tool that converts CGPA into percentage based on a specific formula set by universities. Different institutions use different conversion formulas, so it's important to check the correct method.

How to Convert CGPA to Percentage?

One of the most common formulas used for conversion is:

Percentage = CGPA × 9.5

For example, if your CGPA is 8.2, your percentage would be:

8.2 × 9.5 = 77.9%

How to Use a CGPA to Percentage Calculator?

Using the calculator is simple:

  • Enter your CGPA score.
  • The calculator will apply the formula and display the percentage.
  • Some universities use different conversion factors, so check their official guidelines.

Why Use a CGPA to Percentage Calculator?

Manually calculating CGPA to percentage can be confusing. A CGPA to Percentage Calculator helps by:

  • Providing quick and accurate conversion.
  • Eliminating human errors in manual calculations.
  • Helping students meet application requirements for jobs and higher studies.


A CGPA to Percentage Calculator is a useful tool for students who need to convert their CGPA into percentage effortlessly. It ensures accuracy and saves time for academic and professional purposes.

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