Percentage Calculator

Basic Percentage Calculations

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Finding Percentage of a Number

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Percentage Change Calculator

Percentage Change:
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Discount & Tax Calculator

Final Price:
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Ratio Calculator

Simplified Ratio:
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Calculation History

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Calculating percentages is essential in various fields, such as finance, education, and shopping. A Percentage Calculator makes it easy to find percentages, percentage increases or decreases, and discounts without manual calculations.

What is a Percentage Calculator?

A Percentage Calculator is a tool that helps users calculate percentages quickly. It can solve common percentage problems such as:

  • What is X% of a number?
  • How to increase or decrease a value by a percentage?
  • Finding percentage differences between two numbers.

How to Use a Percentage Calculator?

Using a Percentage Calculator is simple:

  • Enter the number you want to calculate the percentage for.
  • Enter the percentage value.
  • The calculator provides the result instantly.

Why Use a Percentage Calculator?

Manually calculating percentages can be time-consuming and prone to errors. A Percentage Calculator helps by:

  • Providing accurate and fast calculations.
  • Helping with financial calculations, discounts, and exam scores.
  • Reducing the effort needed for percentage-related math problems.


The Percentage Calculator is a useful tool for students, business professionals, and shoppers. It simplifies percentage calculations and ensures accuracy in financial and mathematical tasks.

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